Let it Flow! displays a progress bar to see where you are in a defined timeline.
You want to know "where" you are in a project, a training, a trip, ... Just set a start and an end, then let it flow!
See the example below with 2025!
Another example, a little bit funnier for all those waiting for the weekend: Weekend loading...
Download the plugin, copy and include letItFlow files in your document. Make sure you load the jQuery library too!
<!-- Add jQuery library --> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <!-- Add LetItFlow --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/letItFlow.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/letItFlow.css">
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#example').letitflow(); }); </script>
NB : If a step name is too long, it will be replace by a symbol ( ■ ). You can see the step name when the mouse over this symbol or progress bar, or click if tooltips are not disabled.
firstDay an lastDay are the only required parameters
Example: '800 px'
Boolean: 'dark' / 'light' — Default: 'dark'
Boolean: 'dark' / 'light' — Default: 'light'
Example: #000000' or 'rgb(0,0,0)' — Default: '#777'
Example: new Date(2025, 1 - 1, 1)
(Year, month, day)
Example: new Date(2025, 12 - 1, 31)
(Year, month, day)
steps : [ { stepName : 'January', // displayed between firstDay this step stepDate : new Date(2025, 1 - 1, 31) }, { stepName : 'February', // displayed between the previous step and this one stepDate : new Date(2025, 2 - 1, 28) } ]
Boolean: 'true' / 'false' — Default: 'true'
Boolean: 'true' / 'false' — Default: 'true'
* There is a "-1" on the month because month ranges from 0 to 11 with the Javascript 'Date' constructor.
You could put directly 0 for January, or 11 for December 11, if it makes more sense to you ;-)